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Handsome Young Guy

the MAN

Father and Son


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We are a Community Resource Center that Specializes in the Healing and development of young men and young fathers.
Healing Haven Atl... Caring & Sharing Resources.

Meet Sean D. Chinn
CEO and Founder of Healing Haven Atl


Minister Sean Chinn Sr. is a former foster child and teenage father. The environment that he grew up in suggested that he should have been angry, prison-bound, drug-addicted, a deadbeat, and incapable of being a productive citizen of society. However, as destiny began to collide with God's purpose, his ultimate purpose was born. He grew to know that he’s supposed to become not just a leader in his own home, but more importantly, a leader who has learned to maximize and make the best of challenging situations. As an entrepreneur, mentor and church leader, he learned the power of community! Minister Sean has learned how to successfully navigate the negative stereotypes of black fathers. He is a successful husband and father of five.  He gives credit to the countless men publicly and behind the scenes who helped him by putting him in positions to grow mentally, spiritually, and academically. 


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